
Bringing an Ancient Art to Life

Our eye-catching chrysanthemum displays use grafting techniques that date back more than 400 years to Japan and China. To learn these techniques, our gardeners traveled to Asia where they trained under specialty chrysanthemum growers who are skilled in this dying art form.

Using this knowledge, our gardeners create displays in scope and artistry that are rarely seen outside of Asia.  These include the tri-colored dome, tri-colored shield, 100-cultivar chrysanthemum, cascading chrysanthemum and pom-pom chrysanthemum. We’ve also produced a 1,100-bloom chrysanthemum measuring 12 1/2- feet wide that barely fit through the doors of the Main Conservatory. 

Creating our specialty chrysanthemum forms is a year-long process that takes patience and time. For example, the 1,100-bloom chrysanthemum alone took 1,800 hour of labor — practically a full-time job.

From Our Blog - Chrysanthemums